Monday, July 20, 2015

Off to Paris, et après, Les Etats-Unis!

Hey everyone! Just a super quick final post in France; it's bizarre to think that six weeks have passed by so quickly. Tomorrow morning, I wake up bright and early to take the journey to Paris! We'll spend a the next few days doing all the tourist-y things we can possibly fit into our schedule, and after that, I'll be Back Home Again in Indiana! Je suis très ravie!!
While I'm happy to return home to all my friends and family, there's a part of me that's sad to go. After six weeks of speaking the language and living with the wonderful people, France feels almost like another home to me. I'm going to miss my host family, the mornings spent goofing around with the other students in the gym of L'Igloo, the visits to Chez Mami et Papi, the marvelous Breton cuisine, the beautiful views, the beautiful language; I'm going to miss St Brieuc and St Carreuc.
But I shouldn't be sad to go; I should just look back on this amazing experience with joy and satisfaction. I made it six weeks in a foreign country speaking a foreign language! I made so many memories and so many new friends, and the journey isn't over. I'll keep in contact with my host family and my new friends, and I'll continue to use my new French skills in the future! My time in France may be almost over, but my experience learning the French language and culture has just begun!

Au revoir, St Carreuc!

Au revoir, Chez Hellard!

Et maintenant, it's off to Paris for les stagiaires!

Avec Amour,
Grace Gore

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to the Hellards, Instructors & new friends for making it a great experience! Luv You! Can't wait to mamabear hug you!! 💋❤️
