Friday, June 12, 2015

First Few Days in France!

Yay alliteration!
And yay France! I am so incredibly happy here. I may have been nervous before, but now, I'm simply in awe of what a wonderful experience this is.
The plane rides from Chicago to London and London to Paris weren't bad! I was afraid that it would be awkward to sit on a plane with students I barely knew, but all les stagiaires are very friendly! I spent the trip getting to know my new friends (those of us who sat together for both plane rides call ourselves Brigade, or squad in french!) and sleeping of course!

Simon, a member of the Brigade, on the plane!

As soon as we touched down in Paris, we had to start speaking only in french. All of us were really intimidated at first, and there was a lot of awkward silence. Slowly but surely, we all began to (attempt) to converse in french! I think it was helpful that we had a six hour bus ride to St-Brieuc to practice amongst the group.
Right when we arrived in St-Brieuc, our host families started showing up to take each stagiaire to their home. My host mom (Rozen), one of my host brothers (Alexandre), and my host sister (Emeline) arrived and gave me a very warm welcome (even though it was a bit chilly outside! Get it? Warm welcome? Chilly weather? Sorry folks; there's no such thing as a Grace Gore without bad jokes) with the customary greeting in France, la bise, or two quick kisses on the cheek. Then, we were off to the countryside for the small town of St-Carreuc where my family lives!

Chez Hellard!

St-Carreuc est très belle.

My family is so very kind. They are very patient with my french skills, and much to my surprise, we understand each other pretty well already! Alexandre, Emmanuel, and Emeline know a little english, so they can help me out here and there. And le maman, Rozen, is truly wonderful! She goes out of her way to make sure that I'm comfortable and happy; for example, I mentioned the first night that my favorite type of juice was apple juice. The next morning, the family let me sleep in while they left for work or school, and when I woke up, the kitchen table had lots of delicious breakfast foods, and next to my bowl, a glass of apple juice! 
These first couple days have been absolutely fantastic. I've spent lots of time hanging out with my family and learning about french culture and their way of life. (Fun fact: young french people love american rap music, and american music in general!) Also, I've enjoyed my first few days at l'Igloo, the building where we have classes!

The view next to l'Igloo!

I'm becoming good friends with the other students; everyone is so kind, and there is lots of laughter as we all experience the struggle together! For example, yesterday, we went on a scavenger hunt in downtown St-Brieuc, and my group had quite the adventure trying to find all the places on our list!

The cathedral of St-Brieuc

The post office! I wish the post offices in Indianapolis were this beautiful!

We also went bowling today, and had some fun with the rope hanging in the gymnasium of l'Igloo.

I even braved the rope!

I'm having so much fun! And this weekend, my family and I will be taking a day trip to St-Malo for my siblings' swimming competition. Isn't that exciting? I can just casually go to St-Malo!! 
I miss all my friends and family Aux Etàts-Unis very much, but if I keep having as much fun as I've been having so far, these six weeks will fly by!
Thanks for reading! Please comment below if you can; I'd love to hear from you!

Avec amour, 


  1. Hey babe, I miss my birthday buddy!! I'm so happy you sound so happy and peaceful right now, it looks amazing there! We all miss you but go have some crazy adventures for us :) I promise I'm gonna keep up to date with the blog, it's so cool to see some of the things you're experiencing! I really can't express how happy I am for you :)
    Love, Shelb :)

    1. Ahhhh merci beaucoup birthday buddy!! How's cross country going? I hope well haha and I hope you're having a magnificent summer too! <3

  2. J'aime beaucoup les photos! Que St-Brieuc est joli et ta famille semble si sympa! Je viens de finir un voyage des parcs nationaux de l'ouest. J'ai fait la connaissance de beaucoup de Francis qui voyagent aussi dans l'ouest des Etats-Unis. C'est amusant, n'est-ce pas?
    St-Malo est une de mes villes favorites.....les remparts sont si pittoresques! Amuse-toi bien! Avec amour, Mme

    1. Merci beaucoup, Madame! Je suis très heureuse que tu as eu une bonne vacance. Et oui, c'est drôle que tu as fait la connaissance des francaises aux parcs nationaux des Etats-Unis!
      Oui, St-Malo était vraiment magnifique! Et je vais aller au St-Malo encore ce weekend avec les autres stagiaires :)

  3. Grace!!! France sounds incredible! Although I am completely jealous of you, I love reading about your adventures and I'm so happy you're having a great time!! Keep enjoying it

    1. Aw thanks so much Meg! Haha I'll be sure to keep having a grand time :) hope you're having a good summer as well!!
