Sunday, June 7, 2015

Pre-Departure Jitters

Tomorrow, I'm leaving Indiana for France.
I still can't fully wrap my head around that. I've never left the country before, and I'm not just going on some short vacation abroad where I get to go home after a week. No; I'm staying in Bretagne for six weeks! Not only that, but I'm going to be completely immersed in the culture and the language by living with a host family and only speaking in French.
That immersion is kind of... scary. I mean, don't get me wrong; I'm incredibly excited for this opportunity! It's just a bit daunting. 
My whole life, I've spoken English and been surrounded by American culture. Now, for six weeks, I have to put all that aside. Everything I'm used to will be left at home as I embark on this completely new adventure.
I've been getting kind of nervous thinking about that. I'm going to be stepping completely out of my comfort zone. New language, new family, new location; with so many new aspects to this trip, I feel overwhelmed! 
I just need to stop and take a deep breath, though.
Yes, it'll be new to have to speak French 24/7, but I also have to trust that three years of French class has prepared me enough to get by. I also have to remember that the application process for this program was rigorous, so I wouldn't be going if my instructors didn't think I was ready.
Yes, I'll have to adjust to the way of life of a new family, but I have to trust that the IUHPFL put in a lot of effort into matching up students with the right host families. Plus, from the email I received from them, they seem really nice! 
Yes, I'll be in places that are completely new to me, but I have to trust that my instructors will keep me safe and that I will have an amazing time exploring these culturally rich sites. 
You might have noticed the repetition (shout out @Mrs.Bach for teaching me about that in AP Lang) of the words "yes" and "trust" throughout those last few paragraphs. I think this is indicative of what I need to keep in mind during this trip:
I need to have a positive attitude, and remember to say "yes" to the new adventures and opportunities that will come my way. Being worried and negative won't enhance my experience one bit. 
Trust is equally as important. I'm very, very, very nervous about all the unknown aspects of this trip. I'm worried about flying over the ocean, getting lost in Paris, not knowing how to communicate with my host family - but like I said before, being worried won't enhance my experience. I have wonderful and capable instructors who will keep me safe, and I have fantastic friends and family members praying for me. I have to trust that God has a lot of good in store for me on this trip. 

I promise not all of my blog posts are going to be this long! I just had a lot on my mind as I prepare for my departure tomorrow. My future blog posts will be less about my worries and more about the spectacular experiences I'll be having in France!
...France!!! :)

Avec amour,


  1. Grace, im so excited for you! It is so amazng that you have this opportunity so soak up every minute!! Praying for safe travels today and doing the happy dance for you!!! :)

  2. Hey Grace I've been praying for you! How's France so far? I love ya, girl!

    1. Aw thanks so much! It has been wonderful! I just posted about it if you want to hear more :) Hope all is well for you too!

  3. Thanks for the shoutout Grace! Glad to see you are still using those AP Lang skills. I hope you are having a great trip! :)

    1. Haha merci beaucoup! I hope you're having a lovely summer as well :)
